Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Banking Details Can Be Stolen Through a New JavaScript Exploit

Via heise Security News.

Phishers are reported to be able to exploit a vulnerability in the JavaScript engines of current browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Trusteer is a security services provider specialising in online banking, whose chief technician is the well known security specialist Amit Klein. Trusteer report that a crafted web site can exploit a certain JavaScript function to identify the bank page a user is currently logged into.

If a user is connected to his bank's online banking service in one window, and leaves it open while visiting other sites, a crafted site can identify his bank, then activate a pop-up window imitating the bank's logo and appearance and ask for the login to be repeated. An inattentive user who re-inputs the data falls right into the phisher's trap.

Trusteer's report [.pdf] doesn't name the JavaScript function concerned, but says it doesn't surrender the information about open sites, instead it goes through a list of bank sites, asking each time whether the user is logged in to that particular bank, the response being a straight "yes" or "no". In order to make a phishing attack, a crafted web site merely needs to hold a long list of known banks and financial institutions.

More here.


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