Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Real News, Faux News, Distractions...

What is Real News?

Well, I know what isn't, and the major American outlets for "news" is not really news. It's drivel.

Here's a snapshot.

The BBC, which I consider to actually be "real news" site:

Click for larger image.

MSNBC, which I consider to be "Faux News" -- they don't really seem to care about covering real, hard-hitting issues (nor do any of the the other main U.S. news outlets):

Click for larger image.

Let's see... Okay, here's CNN.com:

Click for larger image.

Here's CBS News:

Click for larger image.

And ABC News is so polluted with third-party content, dangerous security holes, etc., that I won't even include it here -- but it is relatively the same content, devoid of real news.

You are being actively poisoned.

Let's examine the pressing front-page stories for each of these web news portals:

BBC News: Unrest spreads around Shia Iraq
MSNBC News: Is affirmative action passé?
CNN News: Arkansas flood damage at $2 million and rising
CBS News: Cops Piece Together Iowa Family Slayings
ABC News: McCain Addresses Housing Crisis Options

Now, I don't mean to lessen the importance of slayings in in Iowa, nor flooding in Arkansas -- both of which are quite serious -- but this snapshot of news shows that American news outlets cater to issues that somehow shield more serious, critical global issues from the American readership.

The problems in Iraq are absolutely more critical than the American people know, and if we don't collectively wise-up, we're going to be in for a rude awakening.


America: Wake up.

- ferg

p.s. PBS is the only organization in the U.S. that has any guts to report the truth to the American people.


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