Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Insecure Internet: The Turducken Problem

Sean Michael Kerner writes on

Douglas Crockford, the creator of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and a senior JavaScript Architect at Yahoo is convinced that the Web is broken.

During a keynote at AjaxWorld conference here, Crockford launched a polemic against the Web as it is exists today.

"The question is not should we fix the Web but can we," Crockford asked the crowded conference room. "The browser was not state of the art when it was introduced. It was intended as a document presentation platform and is not intended for applications."

Crockford argued that browsers were not designed to do all 'all of this Ajax stuff' and the fact that Ajax works is because people found ways to do Ajax in spite of the limitations. That said he noted that Ajax development is unnecessarily difficult today and it has a major problem.

More here.


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