Thursday, September 06, 2007

Off Beat: Southwest Airlines Thinks Your Outfit Is Inappropriate

Meg Marco writes on The Consumerist:

According to the Union-Tribune, Southwest airlines objected to an outfit worn by a 23 year-old Hooters waitress.

Southwest went so far as to ask the woman the leave the airplane. So what was she wearing?

A "white denim miniskirt, high-heel sandals, and a turquoise summer sweater over a tank top over a bra."

My god! Alert the TSA and the local police! We can see leg!

More here.


Image source: The Consumerist.


At Fri Sep 07, 11:45:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect other passengers complained. She was interviewed on Today. They seemed to agree that there was nothing wrong with what she was wearing. Well if that's the case, then why did they blur out her lap area as she sat down? Obviously because she was showing more than they thought apropriate to broadcast on TV!

At Fri Sep 07, 02:42:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a flight attendant sometimes you are put in the position to make difficult judgement calls. We don't randomly patrol outfits, but when other pax's complain we have to adress the issue. Remember that once your on a plane its not a public area anymore. You are flying under our jurisdiction. If you don't want to comply with the rules then you don't have to fly us. Not being involved directly with this situation maybe the fa could have used a little more tact adressing it? Who knows. Its hard to be the bad guy sometimes....


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