Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pinch: The Trojan Creator

Luis Corrons writes on the PandaLabs Blog:

Some time ago, we talked to you about malware prices, HTTP botnets, etc. Today I will show you the level Trojan creators have reached and the way in which some of them launch their creation ‘builders’, authentic centers for designing and creating totally customizable Trojans. And this is where Pinch comes in.

It is a tool for creating Trojans which allows: defining the actions for the Trojan to take, packing the executable file to make its detection more difficult, disabling specific ‘annoying’ services such as those of antiviruses…

Among the tools for creating viruses, Trojans, etc. this might be the most commonly used, distributed and sold, given its ease of use due to a very intuitive interface. This allows malicious attackers to have an executable ready to infect, steal, spread, etc. in a few minutes. Consequently, it causes victims serious problems without them even realizing, until it is too late and they have to face the financial consequences.

More here.

Image source: PandaLabs


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