Friday, April 13, 2007

Quote of the Day: Hance Haney

"The Internet can be used to collect, store and cross-reference potentially limitless information about each one of us — our day-to-day activities, our associations, our spending habits, even our thoughts. If for example the government wanted to control Medicare and Medicaid costs by identifying who smokes, who drinks, and who doesn’t follow the government’s dietary, exercise or safe-sex guidelines, it will increasingly become possible for the government to do that."

"Is the only criteria going to be whether the government could save money from imposing surveillance mandates on the private sector (which would operate indiscriminately against the innocent and the guilty alike) versus spending more for law enforcement (which must respect basic civil liberties) or other government programs?"

- Hance Haney, in a very thought-provoking article on The Technology Liberation Front.


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