Thursday, March 08, 2007

ICANN Releases Factsheet on Root DNS Attack

Kieren McCarthy writes on the ICANN Blog:

Today ICANN posted the first [.pdf] in what we hope will be a series of factsheets that will help explain various elements of ICANN’s mission as well as wider, technical aspects of the Internet.

The aim and intention is very clear: many of the issues that affect the Internet are quite technical and as a result are not well understood. Since the Internet is of such importance, and since ICANN believes that the best decisions over the Net’s future path will derive from wide and open discussion by all interested parties, the hope is that a series of factsheets written in plain English will improve that discussion and encourage involvement.

This factsheet hopes to serve several different ends: provide some timely information on the 6 February 2007 attack on the root server system; correct some misunderstandings about the root servers; act as an information resource for future referral; explain how the Internet is protected and by whom; outline what the attack was and how and why it happened; and lastly, look forward to what can be done to help tackle such attacks in future.

More here.


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