Thursday, August 03, 2006

Juniper researcher Michael Lynn Crashes Cisco Party at Black Hat

Ellen Messmer writes on NetworkWorld:

The invite-only party last night that Cisco held at a nightclub for Black Hat conference attendees was crashed by security researcher Michael Lynn, who last year was sued by Cisco for revealing a serious flaw in Cisco routers.

Along with some friends, Michael Lynn, who now works for Cisco rival Juniper Networks, evaded the security checks Cisco had put in place for the party, which included a name check and legal identification. Lynn and his friends, declaring "Cisco owes us a drink," gleefully posed in front of a Cisco sign inside the Pure Nightclub. Once aware the Lynn entourage had crashed the party, Cisco employees took it in stride.

“We’re here to let security researchers know we want to work with them,” said Jeff Platon, Cisco’s Vice President of Security Solutions Marketing, with some diplomacy.

More here.


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