Friday, December 02, 2005

Warez Servers in Germany Confiscated by Police

Jan Libbenga writes in The Register:

German police have confiscated five warez servers with 6 terabytes of illegal copies of movies and games in the German town of Coburg on the fringes of northern Bavaria. The servers, with names as Temptation and Paradise Island, were accessible to over 1,200 people for € 30 to 120 per month. Police arrested at least one 26 year old.

It is by far the biggest strike against a warez site in Germany since authorities hit, a site operated by a 46 year-old lawyer and two brothers from Thuringia, who offered bootleg software, games and movies through a high speed download service.

Anti piracy organisation GVU worked closely with police forces from Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Arnsberg and Meschede on yesterday's bust. Police also searched houses in Berlin, Bremen, Deggendorf and even in Switzerland. The servers ran for over a year, during which at least 130 terabytes of illegal movies and games were uploaded.


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