Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Realistic Anti-Virus Firm?!? Shocking!


Over on, Mike writes:

We've been noting some of the overhyped stories of mobile viruses lately -- all spread by one anti-virus firm or another trying to convince people that there's really a problem where none yet exists. There was another such hyped up story yesterday, but they're getting so common it didn't even register much interest.

However, today, another anti-virus firm, Sophos, is taking a stand and claiming that they're sick of all of their competitors hyping up mobile viruses that aren't a real threat. In fact, they say that yesterday's claim of the first "serious" mobile virus threat is "plain bonkers." Straight talk from an anti-virus firm? Wonders never cease.

Then again, this is the same anti-virus firm that recently said that anti-virus tools, by themselves, weren't enough to stop viruses -- basically admitting that their own offerings weren't perfect, something that many anti-virus companies seem to suggest in their marketing.


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